IPAC Course Mentor Option

If you wish to have an expert mentor to help you through our Infections Prevention & Control Course, especially for the hands-on exercises, the Faculty can provide one for you. Below are two experts that can come to your office to work with the entire staff to go through the course. The cost for this is $500 plus travel expenses for the mentor. Appointments can be arranged through the CDE Department. Please call Anna at (416) 979-4902, ext. 4521 or fill out the form below.

Karen Nardini

Dental Assistant/Clinical Coordinator

Karen has worked for the University of Toronto for 15 years in the Oral Surgery Department and the Oral Reconstructive Clinic, prior to that she worked as a Clinical Coordinator for Implant clinical trials for 10 years. She brings her education of dentistry and knowledge of Implantology and Infection Control to this position.


Leslie Sanderson

Dental Hygienist

Leslie Sanderson is a Dental Hygienist who has focused the greater part of her career educating private dental practices on the proper implementation of infection prevention. Leslie has also lectured extensively across Canada to local dental societies on this subject.

IPAC Course Mentor Option Inquiry

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Please note that we cannot guarantee availability. We will contact you by telephone to arrange a mutually convenient date and time for your Mentor visit.
    If you have a specific mentor that you would like to schedule, do so here. This step is not required.