Mitigation of Medical Risk for the General Dentist – Part 1

Presented by: Dr. Jordan Prince

RCDSO Expiry Date: June 30, 2024

To qualify as a Core Category 1 course, the course certificate must be issued no later than this date.

RCDSO CE Points: 3, Category 1

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  • Dr. Jordan Prince DDS, MSc

    Dr. Jordan Prince completed his dental training at Schulich School of Dentistry and Medicine at the University of Western Ontario in 2014 and is a recent graduate of the Dental Anesthesia Program at the University of Toronto. He practices in Toronto, Hamilton and Mississauga, along with acting as a part time clinical instructor at the Graduate Dental Anesthesia Program. Prior to completing his training, he practiced in his native Southern Ontario. His wife and him are proud new parents of a baby boy.

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Not Enrolled
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PLEASE NOTE: THIS COURSE CAN NO LONGER BE TAKEN FOR CAT 1 CE POINTS. This course is available now for review by registered users to reprint their Certificates if needed. 

The purpose of this course is to educate the general dentist on how to minimize medical risks during dental procedures and generally within the dental setting. Risks from common medical conditions and of circumstances occurring within the dental office will be explored. Specifics will address risk assessment of patients, risk mitigation within the operatory room and of dental materials along with common pharmacological agents prescribed by both physicians and dentists. In addition, this course will introduce participants to a basic medical physical examination and expand dental skills regarding medical history taking.

Lecture 1
Originally presented December 5, 2020

  1. Every Patient is a New Patient 
    1. Medical Update – Learn important questions to ask
      1. Learn basic vital assessment for the dentist
      2. Learn basic physical exam for the dentist to identify deteriorating patient
  2. The Regular Patient
    1. Hypertension
    2. Coronary Artery Disease
    3. Asthma
    4. COPD and Tobacco Smoking
    5. Diabetes
    6. Endocrine Disorders