PLEASE NOTE: THIS COURSE CAN NO LONGER BE TAKEN FOR CE POINTS. This course is available now for review by registered users to reprint their Certificates if needed. It has expired and can no longer be taken to achieve CE points or certificates.
Early Childhood Caries (ECC) remains for the dental profession a condition that we have been unable to bring effectively under control. Indeed, it remains the number one disease treated under general anesthesia for children under 5 years of age. Further, while first dental examination by first birthday has been a standard of care for over 10 years, a significant percentage of the profession remains uncomfortable in providing this essential care. At the same time, the profession has witnessed a massive increase in options for management of ECC that permit dentists to dramatically improve disease outcomes while establishing an empathetic child-centered dental home.
Over the course of this 5-hour presentation, the practitioner will learn a comprehensive approach to introducing the young pre-cooperative child to a positive dental experience utilizing the latest information on caries risk management. This will include risk assessment models, the examination of the young child, and strategies for care based on the child’s risk level, all aided by a useful algorithm. Materials presented will include review of the latest dental materials, including the newly approved in Canada Silver Diamine Fluoride. The practitioner will be able to leave the session ready to implement strategies for their dental practice the next day and make care for this young pediatric population a pleasure for the entire team.
Learning Objectives:
• The approach is all based on a philosophy of care that is both empathetic and collaborative with the family
• This is a new approach to this population with a model of care that is based on individualized and ongoing risk assessment and management
• The use of the concept of Staged Care, with current dental materials that allow the pre-cooperative child with Early Childhood Caries to grow into the positive dental experience